Thursday, October 28, 2010

Blow Job Obama

Even with my high technology super fast uplinks, it is getting almost impossible to simply load this blog as I have now so much surveillance on what is appearing here, that it seems I have a half dozen filters eavesdropping on my bit rate flow, so I just sit here and watching the world go by.

What is the focus of all of this interest from the patricians? Exposing Karl Rove, the Elton Blonde group, B. Hussein and the entire monetary rapine of America.

That is the focus of what I am addressing here as a warning, as I was first in pointing out that Tim Geithner for Obama was illegally manipulating the Stock Market for their "tax" or literal illegal tax rape of investors as they kept peaking and plunging the markets using the short selling to generate immense funds for their cronies and ripping them from the small investors.
This is called a felony and these schemes get Jews like Bernie Madoff life in prison.

What Obama has been up to is generating a massive commodity bubble equal to the Soros generated bubble for the European cartel which swept Obama into power.
This is not though an issue of gas prices raising over a dollar since Obama stole the White House. This is a coordinated international effort which does include Obama's favorite communists of China.

For those who missed it, China announced in October 2010 that they were going to stop exporting key vital metals to the west. What was behind this was not cutting the United States military out of key national defense metals, but was instead part of this Obama commodity fix in creating a shortage of key metals, so the entire peak would not be in gold alone which is something which would spiral out of control and can not be controlled.
It is better for this group to spread the rapine bubble around.

As this blog was exclusive in noting the Obama regime had illegally spent the summer of 2010 lying about production numbers on American grain crops. Obama's Agriculture Department was literally lying about corn production in overstating the numbers.
Guess what happened though once the farmers harvested and sold their corn? Why the real production numbers of a shortfall started to be leaked and corn started to rise, when it was held by the Obama Chicago grain control clique.

All of this is being staged for what Obama has been up to in what is called quantitative easing, better known as monetization, or in layman's terms, Obama has been printing money without any US backing and using that money to buy up his massive spending, because the Chicoms no longer are buying the worthless debt.
This is a counterfeit house of cards. The "Fed" which is the Rothschilds and Rockefellers is printing money, selling it to the US Treasury in usury fees and then buying up the Obama debt.\

Why in the heck do you think the German banks are raising hell about Obama manipulating the price of the US Dollar? The Germans know very well that Obama is printing money like lottery tickets for toilet paper and this means the Dollar is worthless and Obama is engaged in INTERNATIONAL CRIMES.

The net result is as this blog exclusively reported is American local banks and savings accounts are being robbed in not earning any interest. The dollar is absolutely worthless and falling in value. (Obama wants this for "trade" which is not happening, but what is happening is foreigners are diving into real grain markets buying up all the US food reserves as it is so cheap.)

The net result is Obama needs a blow job bad, in the blue balls Lawrence Sinclair worst way. He has loaded up the Soros limo, is stretched out in back, and is printing money out of his trunk and the way he is soaking up all that debt is inflating food and precious metals prices.

Darrell Issa in Congress along with the GOP needs to have hearings on this with Judicial linked hearings at the same time, as this is robbery of the American people literally in it is using food prices to steal from them, and it is robbing them of their savings as that is what this is all intended to do.

Barack Obama is a felony of many sorts. He is a criminal and his entire economic team is nothing but a bunch of damnedable pirates robbing America blind.

This IS the story which the front benchers have no idea of as they have not caught up, as no one has taken the time to explain to them the crimes.

Well here it is once again leading the way by God's Grace.

Got to go as you children take so much tending.


PS: In case you missed it, Obama and his oil cronies of BP etc.... has just lied in reporting that Alaskan oil reserves are much "less" than estimated.
They are making the United States chained to Muslim mafia oil, which takes our money and puts it into European cartel banks.
Alaska has more reserves than the entire Middle East and America combined has more reserves of gas and oil than the world.
THIS REGIME IS COMMITTING CRIMES in manipulating commodity prices to rape it of it's savings and to make it subject to the world cartels.

The Obama regime is deliberately murdering these United States on all fronts.

Where in the hell is the front bencher stories explaining this and demanding indictments?

Criminal Obama

Criminal Obama policy of piracy

Stephanie Nazi Sandlin

You know how you feel sorry for that dead skunk in the middle of the road, which Obama voters keep running over to pancake status, and that greasy tattoo flows down the highway as car tires keep smashing it............

Well, that is how this blog now feels for Jew basher, Rick Sanchez, fired CNN anchor, and his wife who was forced onto Facebook apologizing for stating the fact that Jon Leibowitz or Stewart is a bigot and that "Jews" of Stewart's clique are powerful in the media and keep Cubans and Blacks in the pecking order just slightly above Rush Limbaugh.

Bigot: A prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own.

Well that is Jon Stewart and all liberals. Jon Stewart can come out and make a fool out of Sanchez who makes it easy, but he never gets fired or has to call up Fidel Castro and apologize to all Cubans for bashing them.

The focus of this blog is educating the public in the bizarre animalistic pack mentality which is liberalism or internationalism that has a caste system of Rothschilds on top and then a group of Ashkenazim elite, followed by Letterman cocktail crowd type white guys and I really don't want to bother the entire order as I could care less as Hitler invested way too much effort in his Rockefeller invested professor lecture dogma.

The question in this is why does David Duke get crucified for saying things he says, why does Rick Sanchez have to go around kissing all the liberal media butt in confession and Stephanie Nazi Sandlin gets to join the Barack Obama slapping around of Jews in literally hating them, and they never have to apologize?

As I have stated there are Jews and then there are Jews hiding in Jewry. The term Ashkenazim was defined by the scribes who were hired to define Jews to segment them out as "German Jews", who are the Rothschild white "Jews" or the elite Ashkenazi Asian peoples who rule Jews now as converts who are not Jews at all.
These same light folks rule India, rule Mexico and B. Hussein Obama was chosen because he is mostly white, so he can rule blacks rather than those black Americans like Martin King and Jesse Jackson.

This Ashkenanzim who are the Mayer royal family of illuminated financiers are set apart from the Sephardic or Spanish dark skinned Jews, who for the most part are of the Judahite, meaning, the bloodline children of Abraham.
These Asians who are of the Japhet or Russian family lineage are who dominate "Jews" now while the Judahite, Levite and Benjaminite form the minority.

This ruling elite in Jewry is who Henry Ford was speaking of in internationalists. This is why he has been smeared just like Rick Sanchez, because this powerful cartel runs this with an iron grip and produces immense amounts of propaganda to scare the hell out of Jews to herd them into a mentality of "us against them" or the world is against the Jews.

This blog believes in the Israeli state of Judah. It desires that the Philistines of Gaza have their own autonomous region free from the communist Muslim terrorists terrorizing even them.
If Jimmy Carter had not forced Prime Minister Begin into giving back the Sinai, that entire area with Gaza could have already been handed over as an autonomous region for the neo Syrian and Philistine peoples.

I digress, but it has to comprehended in why is it that Barack Obama and Stephanie Sandlin get away with hating Jews in policy and leaving them as road kill and why is it David Duke and Ahmadinejad implementing far less policy even if their rhetoric is the same, are the ones who are tar balled, just like Rick Sanchez?

The reason is Jon Stewart is the court jester. He is the bitch slapper of the Jewish comedians who were backed in the old mafia clubs to ridicule the "outsiders" or those Jews who were not paying the protection money in order to ostracize them out of the community.

That is why Rick Sanchez should have known better than to take a swipe at Stewart for making a fool of him. He should have slapped around Mark Levin as Mr. Levin is of that outsider caste in being the worst kind of Jew for the Ashkenaz in he is Russian (gasp!), talks of God and loves the American Republic.
There are Jews which these elitists can slap around and they will be cheered. Michael Savage can be put on terror watch lists. A little Jew in South Dakota can be left on the side of the road by Stephanie Nazi Sandlin and B. Hussein Obama can stuff Benjamin Netnayahu into a meat wagon and steal Jewish land for Muslim terrorists...........and it will be Mort Zuckerman and Ed Koch still looking around for away to apologize for Obama.

Think about the breaking news this blog alone featured in confirming what Rick Sanchez was blowing off about in Jews are no longer a minority and are road kill in exactly Stephanie Herseth Sandlin written diatribes.
Where in this Obama regime is she getting that policy shift which is violating all affirmative action mandates? Somewhere in the bowels of Pelosi, Reid and Obama, there has been a massive shift of not affording or protecting Jews as a why is this blog the only one standing up for Jewish settlers in the Israeli state and Jews in America who have just been relegated literally to the same status as David Duke.

This is not a reach. David Duke being a white American is afforded no protections under the law. The Eric Holder justice department only protects blacks at polling stations and not white Americans as government policy now.
Jews under Mr. Obama, Ms. Pelosi and Mrs. Nazi Sandlin have been relegated to not just the back of the line, but have been booted off the bus, the same why Obama's justice has been hounding the black leadership on Congress.

This is all Clarence Thomas not being black enough for liberals compared to tan man B. Hussein Obama. There is a caste system at work and the Ashkenazim cartel are the royals and the poor Ashkenazim and Sephardic Jews had their lives sold to the Nazi Germans for the purpose that their corpses bought a Jewish State.
These Jews then as settlers have had this same European cartel importing Muslims, instigating Muslim states to start wars on Jews and now has put Jews behind ghetto walls.

What is the result, Jews are now being told to wait around for a nuclear holocaust to wipe them out, so all these royals can then enter the land and rule from world capital of peace in Jerusalem.
All of this is what leads to Armageddon, but that is another blog as this blog is about exposing just why is it Democrats have culled out Jewish Americans of certain God fearing, Conservative, Judahite and loyal American families to have a political war waged against them in denying them opportunities which all other Americans have a right to, unless you are Sean Hannity.

This is National Socialism, and that is the definition of Nazism, as that is exactly what is occurring in America under the Obama regime. Stephanie Sandlin should just change her name to Stephanie Himmler Sandlin as there is no difference in Obama tar balling the GOP Gulf in scorched earth to what Hitler instigated in not like him states.

Rich Sanchez: There's not a single Hispanic, a single Asian-American, or a single African-American in the landscape of prime time cable hosts."

Mr. Sanchez, there is not a single Jewish prime time cable anchor or host who are Americans like Mark Levin.

Stephanie Nazi Sandlin is implementing anti Semitic policy and she is getting it from somewhere in the Obama regime.

Why is it that no one is asking her where she got this and why is it Rick Sanchez is the one being grilled.



The Obama Gay

laura ingraham in yeah it's supposed to make you think obama size matters

This America culture of excuse is shaping up to be the new Obama Gay.

What I explain by this is, is for years it was hiding one liked shoving things up their rectums which folks wanted to hide while Phil Donahue said whatever went on in a bedroom was private to negotiate perversion into mixed company while Jerry Seinfeld in his era as Jon Stewart joked, "Not that there is anything wrong with it".

Odd how ending up in emergency wards, catching diseases, committing suicide, dead gerbils, massive psychiatrist bills, massive government spending on HIV, Africa being depopulated, all in liberal minds equates not that anything in wrong with it.

That is the common chant among folks on the right, with the ever lovely Laura Ingraham, speaking in sodomite Donahue terms, well.............let us have Laura do the talking:

"In the interest of full disclosure, sir, could we please have those records?"

Of course the sexiest of minds in frau Ingraham, did caveat this in again that she believes Barack Obama was born in the United States and is a legitimate president........

Honestly listening to these folks on the right is like listening to some pharmaceutical commercial for a pecker growing drug in............this will really put the bony pony in the corral for a rodeo, but use may cause blindness, hearing like Rush Limbaugh, heart attack, stroke, kidney stones, gall stones, prostate stones and testicle stones in reverse order.

What is it with these lacking ovaries or testicles folks on the right who just can not say that Obama is a lying fraud, but always for their Letterman cocktail crowd friends have to add the warning label of 'Smoking Obama may cause a Kenyan birth certificate".

I make no secret about like Laura Ingraham. I'm quite biased about her as she does one of the best researched programs on air. She is fiesty and charming with brains to match the best.
It is often difficult to rate the program hosts as each has unique talents, but it is a fact that Elton Blonde Limbaugh is in the dottering old gramma league now, and from Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage and Laura Ingraham, each of them produce a better show each day.
Hannity does better interviews, Savage is better on cutting through. Levin is best at tomorrow's story and Ingraham is best on research.

Yet our Laura just seems stuck on Obama like so many are. She is bright enough not to attack the Birthers as they are a force which is percolating on a hard boil in they have been abused horridly in these years, but how on earth Ms. Ingraham can state Obama is an American when Obama admits he is dual citizenship with England is beyond ridiculous.

B. Hussein is definitely disqualified from being a US Executive and when Lolo Soetoro adopted him as Indonesian, and Mama Stan committed perjury lying to the State Department to get him back into America, Mr. Obama at that point was an undocumented illegal.
The reason Obama will not release his long form birth certificate is it does not exist.

Mr. Obama was not born in any Hawaiian hospital as no attending physician or family will come forward in perjury to take credit for an event which did not happen.
Obama was phoned in by Grandma Maddy as Hawaii was rife with illegal registries those years as Democrat Marxists were loading the system to overthrow the government as this blog exclusively proved in ridding Hawaii of rich white corporate dominance for these Asian imports like Obama.
Obama is part of a sadistic communist front which broke the back of Hawaii.

No one knows for sure where Obama was born. I presumed Canada as the Dunham's were early welfare whores and Obama could be birthed in Canada for free as daddy was British.

It all comes down to the fact that as this blog first broke the British Nationality Act story of 1948, Obama jr. was British completely according to British Mandate, as daddy was Kenyan and mummy was a minor, so she upon marriage was British also.

So black babies coming out of white women in that era was frowned upon for social reasons for banking Madelyn, and were usually born at home or sent away as to Canada so embarrassment would not engulf the family, is why Obama was phoned in and no birth certificate exists with footy prints on it.

One comprehends that Ann Coulter is a paid word whore of the cartel meant to herd the herd with her mouthy words, like her former date partner Dinesh D'Souza.........who apparently dated Laura Ingraham too in that pre Obama jungle fever, but is Laura Ingraham that vested in loving the lifestyle than the Truth?

Jackie Gleason once noted how CBS seduced him. They bought him a train, bought him girls and bought him a life of a king. When they roped him in, they threatened to take it all away, and Jackie liking the life, fell into line.
I can understand selling your soul like Keith Olbermann or Ann Coulter. It is the Noel Sheppard thing to do in wanting to be someone more than the no one you are, and once you sign the dotted line, it is so nice to have the attention and the money.
This is why this blog is stolen from, ignored, not featured and kept at a distance to the point of being banned, because the money flow does not control it and I bring to attention all the things God Inspires me to proclaim.

If I was part of the mob, I would be quoted in the open instead of cryptic remarks.

In this though, B. Hussein Obama is the new gay. He doesn't come out of the closet in releasing his documents and according to the right wing money machine there is nothing wrong with it.

Michelle Malkin in her czars...............wrong now wasn't the sultry vixen as no one cared. All of these front benchers refuse to get down and get into the dirt of where the Obama lies grow from. They piddle about in nonsense, refusing to get at the sex of Obama in some phobic reaction that it is all too messy to enjoy.

Laura Ingraham is playing cat's paw in batting at this battle, instead of engaging in it. She like far too many is now making a living at this built upon the work of the Lawrence Sinclair group, Birthers and Tea Partiers.

If you think Obama was born in America and is a legitimate occupant of the White House, you are delusional flat world, as there is no proof of where Obama was born, and Obama proved he is triple citizenship which makes him illegitimate.

It is a sad time when a liar like Bill Clinton can be more honest than the folks on the right as Clinton warned Americans Obama was not legitimate in a 2008 Kate Snow interview on ABC from Africa.
Clinton as this blog predicted is now doing an RFK for Hillary Hamrod in pushing Hillary friends and wiping out her Obama backing enemies.

Yeah I recognize Bill, recognize Obamite Coulter and Czarina Malkin, but the hottie in the middle escapes me.............but then considering the real Conservatives are in the Sarah Palin camp already loading packs and running hard for office..........I suppose my new favorite brunette will be like brunette Bush twin in another talking Obamite.

Not that there is anything wrong with it.

To hell there isn't.


Wasn't it all just better in waiting for Sarah Palin that we had FOX fraud Kiran Chetry just letting her legs do her talking for her as the worst things the front bench girls had to ignore was black guys pretending they weren't looking at her faux kitty on the right.


You can't play chess with a little banana and a peach as the board gets all messy.

Get it?