Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Obama targets American Patriot Michele Bachmann

Don Shelby as big of ass as Obama wants to Kick

Ever since an Obama Minnesota provocateur decided to impersonate people I knew and started signing me up for Obama mailings in 2008, this blog has made it a point to expose the crooks which inhabit that Soviet terrorist cesspool of Minnesota which produces criminals like Al Franken stealing elections, all under the watchful eye of the biggest female appendage on the planet in CBS' Don Shelby of WCCO.

How to explain Don Shelby is to recall how smug Obama is in thinking everyone does not breathe without hanging on his every word, mingled with the idiocy of Dan Rather, the intelligence of a soft mango and coupled with a talking vulva like Megs McCain.
That is Don Shelby. That is the CBS lead anchor at WCCO and that is what goes onto Twin Cities radio as he pretends he is Rush Limbaugh in having an audience that actually listens to him.

Shelby's biggest credentials in life is his dad was a Republican, so that gives him freedom to smear everyone on the right while covering up all the crimes of Obama and Franken which Shelby is the spawn of.

The reason this pest is even being featured here is I caught a feed from WCCO which was a deliberate smear by Shelby, the hispanic gal who is Shelby's giggler in Amelia Santaniello who has more wrinkles than Nancy Pelosi and their political hack Pat Kessler who got trotted out to attack American Patriot Michele Bachmann for her correctly stating that Obama was conducting a shakedown and BP should stand up for itself.

This smear job was complete with the little blonde girl liberal, Democrats put up in that racist state, as if one marks WCCO, they seem to have a thing in most cases for Nordic blondes as the Shelby Twin Cities is filled with racists and Obamaphobes who think having a blonde on their set is movin' on up to that deluxe apartment in the sky, the blonde liberal chimed in with "Whose side is Michele Bachmann on anyway giving advice to BP?"

As Don Shelby, the giggler hispanic and bald Pat Kessler who apparently has frostbite to the brain from Minnesota cold, did not answer Michele Bachmann's race based opponent direct from Nancy Pelosi, I will assist these Obamites in the reality of life.

Oh yes, if you missed it, this American Lady in Michele Bachmann has been targeted by the Obama elite, in they have turned their full force to destroying her and funneling mountains of cash into Minnesota to defeat this Patriot.
No word yet if the money is coming from terrorists in the Middle East like Obama's 300 million dollars in illegal funds in 2008, which is still a crime which Americans got stuck with the bailout bill in that.

For the record when B. Hussein Obama extorts 20 billion dollars from British Petroleum, BP does not have printing presses to turn out Dollars like Obama's counterfeiting terrorists do.
BP is an oil company which works earning money producing gas for your car, fuel for your airplane ride and oil for heating your home. If you used plastic today, BP produced that as a product for you too, so they could earn that 20 billion dollars, after investing a fortune to drill an oil well in forsaken places Obama has forced them into.

That 20 billion dollars would normally go to pay dividends for BP stockholders, who are known to be British and American retirees. You know them as Grandma and Grandpa who are having an Obama time of it in high taxes, no interest paid on savings in banks as Obama has illegally held down those rates for his borrowing and are now being rationed death in Obamacare.

So all those poor pensioners on both sides of the Atlantic have just had their dividends cut and in cases cancelled according to a crowing Democrat Obamite in Charles Schumer.

Poor people who can not afford to live, have just had Obama steal their money they earned by investing in British Petroleum and it is now being paid out to people in the Gulf, who are being tar balled, because Obama dithered this disaster into a catastrophe.

For the record in this as Don Shelby slaps BP around like the nimwit Obama, oil industry insiders state it was not British Petroleum who was giving out the low gusher numbers but NOAA who was doing this for Obama in suppressing the numbers.
So Obama's day one in not stepping in was about covering all of this disaster up, and now he is using it to ruin Republicans in the Gulf and old people across the globe who need those dividends.

It is such a stretch for WCCO and the blonde bait Democrat to figure out that Obama is robbing Peter to pay Paul, but that is what Obama just did in robbing poor people to pay poor people in the Gulf who are being destroyed because Obama would not allow any foreign help, would not do anything to deal with this situation, as it was all about ruining the GOP Gulf States as Mark Halperin outed Obama in his not liking those states who did not vote for him.

Don Shelby has dung for brains and WCCO is an illegal extension of the Democratic party electioneering for the race bait blonde all these liberals are running to perform a coup on Michele Bachmann.

Thee utter stupidity, moronity, ignorance and vacuous situation there is between Shelby's, Santaneillo's, Kessler's and the bimbo blonde's brains in not realizing that Michele Bachmann is the one person standing up for the American side as it is the poor who are being robbed by Obama in his 20 billion dollar extortion is the reason this blog was moved to expose what goes on in Minnesota, the Obama of lying in media.

What though do you expect for a talking blonde race wig picked by Pelosi, a giddy latino as a sun dried prune and a talking vulva in Don Shelby. It is like reading a Peggy Noonan column if you throw in a quart of ripple.

CBS has nothing but refuse in that part of the world from KELOland in Sioux Falls doing Tim Johnson's bidding for Obama and WCCO in Minneapolis bending over so far for Obama that sodomy is the date night Don Shelby has his legs tingling over.

The worst of this is Shelby actually thinks he matters in a land of election crooks. He is like the joke of Ted Turner basing everything in Atlanta like that back hole mattered too.

To the rest of the world, Don Shelby is exposed as the idiotry of Obama.

Pat Kessler must really like being a whore for Shelby's prostitution after all Kessler invested in building his career.

These Minnesotans do not even understand basic economics and as fools they try to smear an American Patriot in Michele Bachman who has it right.

One wonders if Michele Bachmann's district is going to have more votes cast in it than voters, like Al Franken had.

A giggling blonde wig talking vulva. The definition of Don Shelby, WCCO and Obama's new Minnesota mistress of race.

Gee those Obama racists didn't pick a black girl to run against Michele Bachmann, didn't pick and Ojibway to run against Michele Bachmann. Nope they picked the Nordic just like Obama did for dates.

Shelby has no idea the racist idiocy he is joined at the hip to for Obama. What a moron.


Stanley Ann Dunham's Suits on the Ground

Only this blog noted that there was coming a massive attack on the 3rd world through the micro economics which Stanley Ann Dunham had set up through the Ford Foundation in Indonesia.

While this blog looked to an actual boots on the ground presence in Africa by Obama through his terrorist cousin Odinga in Kenya, the trend has been more nefarious in Suits on the Ground.
If you were wondering where all those pirates which plundered America have gone now that Obama has transferred 13 trillion dollars to them, well all that loot, just like Warren Buffett was buying up American and China, has in the cartel banks been flowing into Africa, where they are literally buying up nations.

Africa is in the midst of industrial farms producing crops and bio fuels, which one can translate into Obama industrial slave farms employing Mexicans in America, while in Africa it is blacks.
This is the new Obama Colonialism which is larger than the slave trade of the 19th century and the subsequent land grabs in carving up nations.

The numbers are staggering in the millions of hectares which are being gobbled up:

Sierra Leone and Tanzania under Blair was targeted, China took over 2.8 million and 1 million in South Africa from the Congo, Southern Sudan was the USA grab at 1 million with India and Saudi Arabia grabbing land in Ethiopia.

Saudi Arabia has a huge land cartel purchasing up acres around the globe, and in the oddest of stories, the Rothschilds are buying up Indian lands from the poor people making them rich for a splurge and India as stated is buying up land in Ethiopia raping those poor people.

The World Bank is facilitating this new colonialism of the left, and as this blog exclusively reported, what is happening in Indochina and Africa, is taking place in Greece and the Slavic nations as the same rapine is being engaged against those peoples from the same cartels.

What Professor Baregu of Tanzania foresees is as Africa is nothing but a plunder zone in massive debt from bribery, drug traffic, diamonds, counterfeiting and, money laundering with racketeering to tax evasion which amounts to 65% of this rapine that is around 1 trillion dollars a year flowing out of Africa, that when this debt structure implodes as it is around the world, just as this blog predicted in Stanley Ann Dunham's microfinance bad loans to 3rd worlders, that there will be offered up a debt for land swap, and Africa will be turned over to the cartels again.

So it is all happening according to plan and Obama sits absolutely silent as he furthers the cause of absolute slavery in a world feudalism he is reinstalling.

Queen Victoria when she started turning the Commonwealth back to local rule was attempting to advance ignorant barbarians and savages to join the second world of nations. This was progressing fine until the cartels started installing Marxism to plunder nations from Argentina, to the Sudan to the state of Hawaii in their educational funds being plundered during the Clinton years as exclusively reported here.

Obama and his globalist cronies are creating billions of serfs, peons and slaves to work to death in this massive concentration camp he has constructed behind nations borders making criminals of Citizens.

The Obamas suits are on the ground in Africa and in Greece. They are in the process showing up in America in Obama's oil Gusher Gulf GOP States. This is all deliberate and a sadistic plan against humanity.
None of this is happening by accident from that oil rig detonating in shutting down American oil production which was the only chance America had to this chopping up of Ethiopia.

This group has killed Africans with HIV and malaria. This group is killing Americans with poisonous food and preservatives with Bill Gates cancer causing vaccines meant to plunder assets as a warrior population continues to become more ill each day.

Obama cares nothing for America and his will is to kill it three times over so she never rises again. The same is true in Africa where once this grab is completed those slaves there are never going to rise up again as there will be no Queen Victoria or Teddy Roosevelt to mark the progress.

Obama knows all of these events as does Susan Rice his UN chief, who is an expert in the 3rd world, just like Geithner. These folks are pirates in an international plundering mafia and they are plundering the world.

agtG 288

The Obama Pirates

The Bushwhacker

Well, well, well, tis the age of Obama, in it was not George W. Bush who caused the breakup of Al and Tipper Gore, but none other than another bush between the thighs of Laurie David, the catting around slut of Larry David who created Seinfeld.

Yes Laurie who donated to anything Marxist which moved and was no doubt the inspiration of George on Seinfeld rubbing butter on his head to lubricate a woman (interesting sex fetish Larry David had with his skanky wife who was doing the gardener at their Martha Vinyard's summer mansion.) moved on up to that greasy tub of tuna named Al Gore rubbing hisself on this aging whore.

Well whore might be a bit of a stretch here as she was a whore for Larry David, but as she purchased Al Gore in donations, Al Gore is the whore here and Laurie David is the john taking out in trade in services rendered.

Laurie likes Al Gore oil so much, that she wore all that fat off of the geezer, which is why Tipper dumped this fraud.

It gets pretty bad in liberal land when the kitties are stealing each other's bank accounts with Al Gore attached to them. Some might say at least it was not Barack Obama stealing Al Gore from tipper in a tar balling episode, but with these two adulterers tar balling is probably their next Obama Gusher vacation as they rub it all over the darkside.

Their mutual phobia of heat apparently in Global Warming caused them to rub their friendly bodies together in order to survive as Al always looked like a cadaver who didn't know it was dead walking around and Laurie David appears like vampira in having a phobia of the sun.
The two naturally friendly bodies found a dark corner and produced body fluids when a derrick was sunk into her aged soiled undercurrents...........oh sorry that is Barack Obama tapping the Gulf causing an ecological disaster in not cleaning up his mess, but the two do have a strange and disgusting word smell to them.

We now know why Al didn't want to run for President in 2008, as he was being drained of bodily fluids like Obama sucking on a bushwhacker in the Gulf.

One contemplates the line which started the affair. The conversation 2 years ago must have been something like this:

Laurie David: This is all Bush's fault in my global warming that my hot pants are on fire. Dial 911 Al!

Al Gore: No time Laurie in it being Bush's fault. I got a banana and a pair of grapes to put that fire out!

David Letterman seems to have an obsession with bushes. Rosie and Ellen have an obsession with bushes. Muchelle is trying to grow a grove and now we see that Gore and David are focused on bush out of office too.
No wonder George W. Bush keeps coming up from these liberals as bush is on their minds.

Uh oh, Obama sucking on bushwhacker in the Gulf. Lawrence Sinclair lives in Florida.........what is on Barack Hussein Obama's mind?

I hope that Tipper's mind is on taking Al for every penny he has and ever will have, goes out and finds Conservative Republicans to back and will help America undo all the bush bashing her liberal perverts have butchered babies and the Obama abyss America into.

Hell Tip, publish blog for a million dollar signing fee into a book. I could use a payoff like Valerie Plame got for bushwhacking too.

I wonder if Val needs her hedges trimmed?


PS: Plausible deniablity by Laurie the slut David

Al Gore Bushwhacker

Obama in the Belfrey

There is something vastly wrong with B. Hussein Obama as he degrades in sociopath profile as all fused minds do in Ted Bundy pattern.

It was exclusively shown the remarkable similarities Barack Obama has with Ted Bundy, from being a bastard, being dumped by a college girl and then going back to show what she missed, attaching hisself to politics for empowerment and literally going off the deep end with Predator murders, once he usurped his way into the White House.

It is apparent that in the 2000 elections that Barack Hussein Obama invested all of his being into an Al Gore theft of an election, which is where this 10 year old child like all the Joy Behar types are still cemented into place.
When George W. Bush won the election, this took everything away from these little people and when President Bush accomplished the mission of Iraq so quickly by God's Grace, this drove this group insane literally.
Bush 43 not only beat them, he beat them so well that they knew they were exposed for the failures they are.

This is what is behind the bizarre "blame Bush" of Obama which has degraded into an obsession which is beyond anything sane any longer.
Obama measures hisself against George W. Bush every day by his speech patterns in always bringing up the former President. It is on the tip of his tongue every moment and when he is not seeking to do the polar opposite of Bush 43 which has devolved into absolute catastrophe, Obama has gone the other extreme in being 1 million times more than Bush, like if the popular girl wears raspberry lip gloss then Obama is going to dye his hair red, wear red polish, red rouge and use a whole carton of it on his face, just to prove he is better than her.

Yes Barack Hussein Obama is a sociopath. Yes Barack Hussein Obama is obsessed, but into this Barack Hussein Obama is stark raving nuts on the Caligula scale of getting people out of bed so he can do a fairy dance for them.

While in the Gulf, visiting his Gusher, a deliberate act of pollution and well sabotage he is responsible for, Obama was not able to withstand the temptation of ordering a drink of creme de cocao, coconut, cream, coffee liquer and dark rum, which is known as a BUSHWACKER.

This is beyond obsessed with George W. Bush, this is possessed on a demonic level which makes one contemplate if Obama is going to be demanding a new Air Force One as Bush once flew in it, a new Marine One because Bush once flew in it, and a completely new White House as Bush once lived there.

Maybe that ad about the White House being for sale was Obama starting the task of bushwacking the White House to get back at George W. Bush one more time.

While it is gross, Ted Bundy after he murdered women would store their bodies in the mountains, where he would visit them over and over, put make up on them and have sex with their dead bodies.
This creature would keep doing it until the bodies became to rotten he would have to stop.
Ask yourself, just how many times is it going to take in bashing George W. Bush, before Obama and the Obamalings get their fill which will never fill?

There is no end to their need to bash Bush 43 and it is so utterly juvenile in scope that Obama looks like the fool in a national disaster he fomented is sitting down drinking a Bushwacker, because he can not help himself.

One realizes that liberals just can not turn off Rush Limbaugh. they can not stop from clicking on Matt Drudge to see what he is doing and they honestly can not stay away from Mark Levin scolding them as they are sadists looking to be punished.
Obama suffers from all of the above. Muchelle can not throw enough rock concerts at the White House, Paul McCartney can not be a bigger ass in pounding on Bush for Obama to raise the 10 year old's self esteem for a moment, and there is not enough vacation time to build up child Obama, because in the next moment it all comes crashing down to the failed little bastard who his own father and mother did not want, in Ted Bundy.

What Obama did in the Bushwacker is akin to showing up at Buchenwald and ordering a pork pie. It is just something beyond his capability to deny hisself in taking one more kick at someone he is obsessed with who isn't even there.

The worst of it for Obama is Americans have now figured out that George W. Bush did the best with a situation worse than Obama has faced, and Obama having everything fixed by Bush 43 has done nothing but made an absolute disaster out of every crisis.
Woe to the day, when Americans finally figure out that Obama has been doing this all deliberately with the Muslim oil mafia and the European banking cartel, because Obama the cornered animal will be a most interesting wounded soul to try to deal with.

I warned David Axelrod of all of this in 2008, and in his smugness he only tinkered with the Obama brain in reprogramming it. I warned as Obama shattered and reformed he would become more hardened as all thugs are in wielding power to destroy indiscriminately like Saddam Hussein and Joe Stalin.
Make no mistake Obama's Gusher is meant to destroy America in energy supply in no drilling and his biggest target are those solid south black GOP States he is tar balling with oil. Obama committed the biggest act of criminal rapine in this world, since Saddam Hussein lit up his oil wells.

Axelrod must really be wondering what rabbit he followed down into the hole he is in as Emanuel bribing Sestak, Messina bribing Romanoff and we still do not know who bribed Tim Johnson so his kid could get a job, but even Axelrod has to be running thin on Obama excuses when he hears Carville slamming Obama for his political stupidity, and what does Obama resort to when in the Gulf?

Why he gets pissed up drinking, of all things deliberately a Bushwacker.

Foul language and now a drunk on the job..........and a gay drunk using a straw sucking up a girl drink.

Obama couldn't even drink a bourbon or a beer like an American would. No he has to suck on a gay drink while pussy slapping at a real American President, Obama is obsessed with.


Because George W. Bush is a natural born Citizen. That is something Obama is not and can never be.
George W. Bush has parents who still fight for him and never abandoned him.
George W. Bush was never Indonesian adopted, had to read a John Wayne book in order how to figure out how to be white and never had to go to Africa wearing a turban to figure out what he was.

George W. Bush put away the booze, took up God and a chainsaw, and this is the Gentleman which B. Hussein Obama can never be in a real American.

This is what is driving Obama nuts and eating on his soul 24 hours a day.

Barack Hussein Obama can not be George W. Bush and it is driving him insane.


Obama in the Belfrey

Behind the Obama Pillow

I realize from the timidity on the right in not daring to repeat numbers of things found here, or making excuses for Obama that he is not an eco terrorist in Mark Levin, to Rush Limbaugh returning from his honeymoon incapable of using the word regime now, but referring to Obama as the government now, that people like Sean Hannity who FOX jerked his chain over promoting a Tea Party event for funding where it was offered he would be fired, that sometimes in life it is best to be on point and not be encumbered by the trappings which keep those on top silent.
It is as our great friend Jackie Gleason once said of the networks. They give you a train, they give you everything, and in the end they own you, because you do what they say so you will not loose all of this.

For the record to repeat, Barack Hussein Obama was in bed with a group of globalists who created the Gusher in the Gulf in eco terrorism for the expressed purpose of stopping Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, stopping drill baby drill, stopping American energy independence by shutting down all drilling.

Obama and his cronies played this to so pollute the Gulf that Americans would never drill oil again, but instead be serfs existing in 3rd world status, having the government dictate to them while their money was paid to Muslim mafia oil and the European banks which handle those accounts bleeding American dry.

This blog exclusively reported that Barack Hussein Obama was making warfare on the Republican Gulf States. For those who have said that Obama had no part in this eco terrorism, I would point them to the pissy little racist Mark Halperin who was having a fit on Charlie Rose on the evening of Obama's Gusher Speech from the White House where Halperin stated this:

"Three out of four of those states Obama lost in the Gulf. He doesn't have allot of feeling for them".

Charlie Rose was stunned as Halperin tried to make up for being corrected in being wrong by a former Shell Oil executive, and all Rose would say for a few moments was "Wah wah wha".

Those who do not believe what this blog has exposed, now have Halperin having pissy fit on PBS in literally spilling what he has been told, knows and what everyone in the puppy press knows in Obama doesn't give a damn about those Americans in the Gulf, because they didn't vote for him and he is going to tar ball them to oblivion to punish them.

This is ALL political in what Halperin let slip to the Rockefeller's Rose who could not believe Halperin said what is the filthy secret in Obama dithered his known disaster into a catastrophe to destroy the Republican people there.
This has nothing to do with the excuse that Rahm Emanuel was out terrorizing Jews in Israel on a vacation in why Obama didn't take any action immediately. This has to do with Obama knew this was staged sabotage in payback for him getting those Libyan oil leases for BP, and BP needs oil at higher prices to make those Libyan Muslim contracts pay, so the only way to raise prices is to shut off American drilling.

Goodness to badness people. These are the patricians who blew a hole in Abraham Lincoln's head. These are the patricians who turned John Kennedy's brain into pink cottage cheese. These are the patricians knew Vietnam would have 65,000 Americans dead, the exact profit structure and that it would all be turned over to those communist Ho butchers. These are the patricians who sold short on stocks knowing 9 11 was about to happen and are so elite the United States Government dropped the case immediately.
So do not make excuses in this that polluting the Gulf in the biggest ecological disaster in history as Rahm Emanuel now proudly grins in expressing it on the White House lawn, was some accident when history and Obama dithering reveal the crook Obama is.

Do you think that 300 million dollars in counterfeit currency Obama took in for his campaign from terrorists just happened? Tell that to Benjamin Netanyahu and the Jews as I alone warned they were the sheep payment in Obama's slaughter repaying these terrorists and Obama with Mitchell's gang have been busy setting up the Jewish blood payments.

It is honestly what is it going to take to convince the paid rich right talking mouths to connect the dots after time and again Obama has revealed how heinous he is. It is as well known as Helen Thomas being a Jew hater, and yet, Mark Halperin who just accused Matt Drudge and his readers of being racists, just outed Obama as a regional Republican genocidal maniac in allowing those people to be tar balled and destroyed, because "those people" did not vote for the halo head Obama.

Mark Halperin revealed that people who do not vote for Obama are dead to him. Do you not now figure out why people in Kentucky could wash down a river and Obama did not say a word?
It is not because did not want to own a disaster. It was not because Rahm Emanuel was out of the country terrorizing Jews, but it is because Obama could care less if Republican states suffer and all of those people die.
This is not an exageration in the least like Kayne West. This is the reality in knowing that people are flooded out in a freak storm and Obama does not respond. This is the reality in knowing that people in the Gulf are slowing dying the economic death as they are tar balled to death, and Obama only responds after the destruction is completed as that was his murderous intent from the start.

Obama has been on a destruct sequence from banking which was an engineered implosion, industry (You think Toyota just happened too in being ruined when Buffett's Chicom cars will fill the void.), rationed death to Americans, disarming America to his new terror tool in tar balls.

Yet the timidity of the right to call Obama out for his actions is astounding. British Petroleum made a series of bad moves it is said.
What part of being beat over the head a dozen times do you not get that it is not an accident after the first time?
This clique inside BP did this in answering to that same Bilderburg Group which Obama dances for. These are the same traitors around the globe above the law who do this kind of mayhem continuously to advance their agenda.

I keep pondering what it is going to take to have people who actually see Obama for the danger he is, to actually take the step and at least point out what Mark Halperin outed Obama in on Charlie Rose.
Halperin stated it is in Obama's mind to let States be ruined which means people dying in the upheaval, all because they are Republicans.

How many more people need to get blown off of oil rigs with this regimes silence for over a month before the sociopath B. Hussein Obama is on a global scale in blowing people off the planet with Predators starts to dawn on the right that, "Gee piles of dead bodies and Obama is advancing his policy off of it".

Think their is a connection?

Try thinking, it might assist the answer or do you want Mark Halperin have another fit and tell you that Helen Thomas is Barack Hussein Obama's tongue ordering these events.
